Super Staff Stability!

January 9, 2025

To continue with the amazingly awesome alliteration of this post’s title, we’d like to mention three words that are imperative to our continued growth and reputation over the last 35 years… Safe, Stable and Secure.

These are three words that sum up how we want our staff team members to feel.

We are extremely proud that as a company that provides, along with many other things, gardening services – which of course is literally seasonal – we always find a way to maintain all of our staff members through the winter months, as well as through the growing season of spring and summer.

As any Property Manager will know, site visits from their gardeners tend to become less frequent through the winter, but we want our staff to feel secure throughout the year. We understand the stresses and strains – on all levels, be it physically, mentally, and of course financially – that a lack of job security can bring, and we believe this has been a huge factor in us retaining so many of our nearly 40 staff members for so long.

Of course this has the added effect of producing more efficient and a higher quality work across all of our services.

So, as we approach 35 years of being in business, we continue to support our super staff, as they support us!

Here’s to a wonderful 2025!